Polymer Clay FREE Crocus Haze Color Mixing Instructions

Polymer Clay FREE Crocus Haze Color Mixing Instructions

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PolyClay Emporium Polymer Clay



Mixing Instructions for Crocus Haze


Ornate Victorian frame surrounding a hexagon of a beautiful crocus purple


Crocus Haze is mixed using three colors of Sculpey Souffle polymer clay:  Royalty, White (Souffle Igloo or Premo White), and Cornflower Blue.



Here are the Steps to follow:


Step 1:  Condition your polymer clay well.


Step 2:  Roll the clay out on the thickest setting of your pasta machine (or with an acrylic roller, placing the clay between two stacks of 5 playing cards each).


This mixing system is based on one-inch squares, cut in half, or quarters, or eighths.  A is a one-inch square.  Cut this in half to get B, a 1 x ½ inch square.


Cut a B piece in half (on the short axis) to get a C, a quarter of a square, measuring ½ x ½ inch.


Cut a C piece in half to make a D piece, one-eighth of a square.  D measures ½” x ½”.


If you’re using metric rulers, make the initial piece 2.5 cm square, and proceed from there.

Relative sizes of clay squares used

Step 3:  Here are the ratios you will use to make Crocus Haze:


Cut out one-inch (2.5cm) squares from each color.  You will use 2 whole squares of Royalty, one square of Igloo, and one quarter  (1/4) square of Cornflower Blue.  Premo White can be substituted for Igloo.


Step 4:  Roll these four  pieces together with your hands:  2 squares of Royalty, 1 square of Igloo, and 1/2  square of Cornflower Blue.. 


Continue rolling these together, back and forth between your hands.  You are done when you can no longer see any discrete Royalty, Igloo, or Cornflower Blue the colors are completely mixed together into a new color, Crocus Haze!


Congratulations!  You’ve made a fabulous color!!  Now do something awesome with it.  And then show everyone!  Tag it on Instagram @PolyClayEmporium!


Note:  I’ve measured the colors of these clays with an electronic colorimeter and included the color hexcode for reference.  Depending on where you are viewing (phone, tablet, laptop), etc, and how your screen color is calibrated, what you are seeing may not be precisely the color of the clay you mix, but it should be very close!


If you have any questions about this recipe, I’m happy to help!  Contact me with a DM on Instagram, @PolyClayEmporium, through Etsy (ClayColorRecipes), or at hello@PolyClayEmporium.com!!  



Your interest is very much appreciated!!  New Colors and palettes are posted often in our Etsy shop, so check back often!  https://www.etsy.com/shop/ClayColorRecipes?ref=shop_sugg

And visit our blog for more great color information!


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